
100% Handmade Oil Paintings On Canvas

The prices here are under discounted items
(only to our poshiumgallery customers)

Size: 90cm by 90cm (customisable)
Medium: 100% Handmade Oil Paintings On Canvas
Time Lead: Between 16-24 days.
We can paint any design and any measurement.

If you need help with your paintings choice, visit us at or call Fauzi at 016-924 8184

Our showroom – Level 5 Metropolitan Square Damansara Perdana Facebook – Artisan Artworks Gallery
Instagram – #artisanmalaysia

Artist:Variable ( Vietnamese, Myanmar and others )

Title:Abstract, Portrait, Scenery and more

Medium:100% Handmade Oil Painting



Price:488 RM Best Offer

Payment Forms:check mark Money Order or Cashier Checkcheck mark Personal Checkcheck mark Credit Card